Working with PDFs

The PdfModel

Whenever you’re dealing with a Printmaker-generated PDF, you’re actually working with a PdfModel object.

Output the PDF

These methods save the PDF to disk so that you can output it to the client.


Outputs the PDF directly to the browser, as if the current URL pointed directly to your generated PDF file.

(Streaming file contents to the client won’t work if other page content has already been sent. Therefore, you should invoke this method before/above any other content is output to the template.)

{{ pdf.output }}

Streams the PDF as a download/attachment to the browser.

(Streaming file contents to the client won’t work if other page content has already been sent. Therefore, you should invoke this method before/above any other content is output to the template.)

{{ pdf.output }}


Returns the URL of the generated PDF file.

{% set pdfUrl = printmaker.pdfFromTemplate('_myTemplate', someVars, someSettings).url %}
<a href="{{ pdfUrl }}">
Download your PDF!

Email the PDF

Sends an email with the generated PDF attached.

{% set variables = {
userName : currentUser.friendlyName
} %}
{% set settings = {
toEmail: '',
subject: "Here's your PDF!",
body: "Hi {{ userName }}! Your PDF is attached. You can also download it here: {{ fileUrl }}"
} %}
{% set pdf = printmaker.pdfFromTemplate('_pdf/_myTemplate', someVars, someSettings) %}
{% do'YourPDF.pdf', settings, variables %}